Tuesday, July 18, 2017

i lick vana wite.

hi. i lick vana wite. she is my big munny gaim showw. vana wite is worth mor munny than the milyin dolur wege. i wuld lik to buy her. weel of fortane is good. luv u vana


  1. she iz hat. hatter den a hat putato!

    1. tat reminds me. how wus hat putato plaed? did bil kulin tos a putato at the kuntestintz? tat wuld b a funi. but not as funi as weel of fortane! vana wite tosed a weel at the kuntestintz!! she doesnt wok funi tho :(

    2. yez, tat iz how hat putato wuz plaed. an vana tosing a weel wud b paynfull! at leest a fidgit spinur wont hert az much.
